Sunday, April 15, 2012

Prosedur Permohonan Kereta Klasik

1 . Syarat Kelayakan Utama
Kategori Motokar Vintaj: Motokar yang layak dikategorikan sebagai motokar vintaj ialah motokar yang telah mencapai usia 50 tahun dari tarikh yang dikeluarkan oleh pembuat.
Kategori Motokar Klasik: Motokar yang layak dikategorikan sebagai motokar klasik ialah motokar yang telah mencapai usia 25 tahun dari tarikh yang dikeluarkan oleh pembuat, termasuk motokar yang dikenali sebagai 'collectors item'.

2 . Kenderaan kategori motokar sahaja layak memohon dan dipertimbangkan, bagi kenderaan selain daripada kategori motokar adalah tidak layak dipertimbangkan. Syarat-syarat lain yang perlu diikuti untuk mendapatkan status motokar vintaj/klasik bagi tujuan pengurangan bayaran Lesen Kenderaan Motor (LKM) adalah seperti berikut.

Motokar yang telah mencapai 25 tahun dari tarikh pendaftaran asalnya, termasuk motokar impot yang dikategorikan vintaj/klasik tetapi perlulah membuktikan tarlkh pendaftaran asal dan negara berkenaan sahaja layak memohon dan dipertimbangkan.
Motokar yang mempunyai nilai pasaran yang tinggi, iaitu sama seperti nilai barangan antik.
Keadaan semasa motokar mestilah pada tahap seperti kenderaan baru (mint), tidak berkarat, cat dan 'chrome' yang berkilat dan bersih, dalam ertikata seperti dalam keadaaan 'showroom'.
Motokar tersebut mestilah di dalam keadaan'roadworthy' dan semua sistem yang terdapat padanya berfungsi dengan baik.
Motokar mestilah mempunyai ciri-ciri spesifikasi, bentuk badan dan komponen utamanya seperti yang asal semasa dikeluarkan oleh pembuat.
Pengubahsuaian yang dibenarkan hanyalah bagi peningkatan pada sistem brek, sistem elektrik dan sistem bahan api diterima atas faktor keselamatan sahaja.
Sebagai asas penimbangan utama, pemohon mestilah mempunyai lebih dari 2 buah motokar yang didaftarkan di atas nama sendiri.
Keadaan nombor enjin dan casis motokar mestilah boleh dibaca dengan jelas dan tidak diganggu.
Pemilik perlu mengemukakan surat/sijil sokongan dari Kelab Kereta Vintaj dan Klasik DiRaja Malaysia atau Kelab-kelab lain yang diiktiraf.
Motokar perlu diperiksa oleh Pegawai Teknik/Pemeriksa Kereta Motor JPJ ibu Pejabat/Negeri/Cawangan yang berkenaan.

3 . Cara Memohon
Permohonan dan pemeriksaan motokar vintaj/klasik boleh dibuat melalui:
Bahagian Teknik, Ibu Pejabat JPJ
Aras 2, Blok D4, Parcel D
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
Tel: 03-8886 6400/03-8886 6703 atau
Di Bahagian Penguatkuasaan JPJ Negeri/Cawangan.
Dokumen-dokumen yang perlu disertakan/dibawa bersama semasa pemeriksaan motokar ialah:
Salinan kad pendaftaran motokar (serta yang asal)
Salinan sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) bulan kad pendaftaran motokar lain yang didaftarkan di atas nama pemohon (serta yang asal)
Salinan kad pengenalan pemilik/pemohon
Sekurang-kurang empat (4) keping gambar dari sudut depan, belakang sisi dan bahagian 'steering' I 'dash board'.
Surat/sijil motokar vintaj atau klasik dari kelab yang diiktiraf.

4 . Pemeriksaan Motokar

Bagi tujuan pemeriksaan motokar vintaj/klasik, pemohon hendaklah mengemukakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan bersama-sama dengan motokar yang hendak diperiksa.
Pemeriksaan terhadap motokar vintaj/klasik akan tertumpu kepada mengenalpasti keaslian motokar tersebut dan menepati syarat-syarat di atas.
Ciri-ciri pemeriksaan:
Pemeriksaan identiti motokar, iaitu pengesahan nombor enjin dan nombor casis tidak diganggu dan hendaklah sarna seperti mana yang dicatitkan dalam kad pendaftaran motokar tersebut.
Pemeriksaan keaslian kereta vintaj/klasik merangkumi komponen-komponen berikut:
Enjin asal, casis asal, rekabentuk badan asal (tidakdiubahsuai), sistem trasmisi asal, sistem suspensi asal, gandar depan dan belakang asal, nombor pendaftaran dan 'rim' serta 'steering' asal (bukan jenis 'sport').

5 . Pengeluaran Sijil Pengesahan Status Motokar Vintaj/Klasik

Semua permohonan dan laporan pemeriksaan untuk mendapatkan status motokar vintaj/klasik yang dibuat di Pejabat-pejabat JPJ Negeri/Cawangan hendaklah dimajukan ke Bahagian Kawalselia Teknik, Ibu Pejabat JPJ untuk diproses dan dinilai semula sebelum disyorkan kepada Ketua Pengarah Pengangkutan Jalan.
Motokar yang lulus sebagai motokar vintaj/klasik akan dikeluarkan Sijil Pengesahan bagi tujuan pengurangan Lesen Kenderaan Motor (LKM) sebanyak 90% bagi motokar vintaj dan 80% bagi motokar klasik akan dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian Kawalselia Teknik Ibu Pejabat JPJ dan ditandatangani oleh Ketua Pengarah PengangkutanJalan.
Sijil Pengesahan status motokar vintaj/klasik yang dikeluarkan hendaklah diperbaharui setiap 3 tahun sekali atau apabila urusan tukar nama dibuat atau penukaran nombor pendaftaran motokar dilakukan mengikut mana yang terdahulu. Pemilik motokar tersebut dikehendaki membuat permohonan semula untuk menentukan status motokar vintaj/klasik mengikut syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di atas.
6 . Arahan Penguatkuasaan

Penguatkuasaan perlu dilaksanakan bagi mempastikan semua motokar yang telah mendapat kelayakan motokar vintaj/klasik tidak membuat pengubahsuaian ke atas 'steering' dan 'rim' serta komponen-komponen lain supaya keasliannya kekal. Kelayakan dan status motokar vintaj/klasik ini akan dibatalkan serta-merta sekiranya pengubahsuaian dibuat pada motokar tersebut, dan pemilik perlu membuat bayaran kadar Lesen Kenderaan Motor (LKM) pada kadar yang asal.

Article contributed by AAM

Friday, February 24, 2012

Penjagaan Kereta Enjin Turbo

Periksa minyak hitam kereta anda seminggu sekali untuk mengetahui tahap minyak dan warna minyak tersebut.kiranya ia adalah sebagai indikator.Jika warnanya hitam -kehitaman ataupun telah cair adalah lebih baik ditukar minyak tersebut.Jika tahap minyak menghampiri paras rendah dan warnanya masih ok iaitu masih pekat lagi, tambahkan sahaja.Pemeriksaan minyak hitam ini sebaiknya dilakukan pada waktu 30 minit selepas enjin dimatikan.Namun begitu pemeriksaan minyak hitam juga boleh dilakukan pada waktu pagi iaitu sebelum enjin kereta dihidupkan kerana pada masa itu minyak berada pada takungan bawah.

Gunakan minyak hitam yang baik iaitu sintetik sepenuhnya.Seeloknya kenal pasti minyak hitam berdasarkan kelikatannya.Lebih likat lebih bagus.Biasanya ada tertera kod 10W30,15W40 atau 20W50 pada botol minyak hitam yang kita beli.Sebagai contoh 10W30 : 10W bermaksud minyak tersebut boleh tahan pada suhu -10 darjah celcius dan ini biasanya penting untuk negara 4 musim,maka di Malaysia ini tidak menjadi masalah. 30 pula menunjukkan kelikatan/kepekatan minyak tersebut.Dalam contoh yang diberikan 30-cair, 40- sederhana dan 50-pekat.Secara ringkasnya lagi tinggi adalah lebih bagus.

Periksa air enjin sekerap yang mungkin.tambah jika kurang. sentiasa pastikan ianya berada pada tahap yang ditetapkan.

Jangan sesekali cuci enjin di 'car wash'. Ini kerana ditakuti ada komponen-komponen yang sensitif apabila terkena air lebih2 lagi apabila enjin masih dalam keadaan panas.memadai dengan lapkan enjin anda dengan kain lembap dan diikuti dgn kain kering,ini sesuai dilakukan apabila enjin dalam keadaan sejuk.

Periksa juga air bateri agar sentiasa berada pada tahap yang ditetapkan.

Servis kereta anda mengikut jangka waktu yang ditetapkan.

Jika terdapat sebarang kerosakan kecil berkaitan enjin adalah dicadangkan berjumpa dgn mekanik.Jangan sesekali cuba2 untuk baiki sendiri kerana ditakuti kerosakan kecil akan mengakibatkan kerosakan yang lebih besar seterusnya akan memeningkan lagi kepala anda.Melainkan anda ada pengetahuan dan pengalaman berkaitan benda2 tersebut.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tips To Extend the Life of Your Car

Care and Maintenance Tips Keep Your Car Running in Top-Notch Condition
We’ve compiled our best expert advice, surprising tricks, and car care tips to prolong the life of your automobile!

1. Be patient during the break-in period

You’ve bought your dream car and now you want to make it last at long as possible in top condition. Here are some things to remember as you pull it out of the dealer’s lot:

During the break-in period, typically the first 1,000 miles (1,600 km), keep your speed under 55 mph (88 kpm) or to the speed recommended by your car’s manufacturer.
Avoid heavy loads on the drive train, such as towing trailers, and loading the roof rack or trunk with heavy construction materials.
Do not allow your new car to idle for long periods — this is good advice for the life of your car, but especially during breakin. The oil pressure generated by doing so may not be sending oil to every part of your engine.
Use only light to medium acceleration, keeping the engine rpms below 3,000 for the first few hours of driving.
2. Drive with care everyday
Being car considerate shouldn’t stop after the break-in. Drive with care every day and your car will reward you with longer intervals without repair.

Do not race your car’s engine during start-up.This is a quick way to add years of wear to your engine, especially if it’s cold outside.
Accelerate slowly when you begin your drive.The most wear to the engine and drive train occurs in the first ten to twenty minutes of operation.
Warming the engine by letting it idle in the driveway is not a smart idea.The engine doesn’t operate at its peak temperature, resulting in incomplete fuel combustion, soot deposits on cylinder walls, oil contamination, and ultimately damaged components.
Put less strain on your engine and automatic transmission by shifting to neutral at red lights. Otherwise, the engine is still working to push the car even while it’s stopped.
Avoid driving at high speeds and accelerating quickly, especially when it’s very hot or very cold outside. Such driving behavior will result in more frequent repairs.
Extend the life of your tires with careful driving. Observe posted speed limits. Avoid fast starts, stops, and turns. Avoid potholes and objects on the road. Don’t run over curbs or hit the tire against the curb when parking. And, of course, don’t burn rubber.
When turning your steering wheel, don’t hold it in an extreme right or left position for more than a few seconds. Doing so can damage the power-steering pump.
Consolidate your short driving trips. Most of the wear and tear — as well as the pollution your car generates — takes place in the first few minutes of driving. Doing several errands at once, during low traffic hours if possible, will keep your engine happier longer.
3. Buy gas at reputable service stations

Ask whether the gas you buy is filtered at the pump and if the station has a policy about changing the pump filters regularly. If you get a song and dance, find another gas station. Some stations don’t have pump filters, making you more vulnerable to dirty gasoline. Other stations may not mix alcohol and fuel properly — or worse, water down their product. Find a station you trust and stick to it.

4. Don’t fill up if you see the tanker

If you happen to see a gasoline tanker filling the tanks at your local gas station, come back another day or go to a different station. As the station’s underground tanks are being filled, the turbulence can stir up sediment. Sediment in your gas can clog fuel filters and fuel injectors, causing poor performance and possibly necessitating repairs.

5. Go easy when you’re stuck

When stuck in mud or snow, don’t make the problem worse by damaging an expensive component. Gently rocking in an attempt to free the car is fine. But if it looks as though you’re really stuck, don’t keep at it. Throwing your car from forward to reverse repeatedly, as well as spinning tires at high speeds, can generate lots of heat and spell trouble for transmissions, clutches, and differentials. It may be cheaper in the long run to call the tow truck rather than risk big repair bills down the road. It’s a good idea to carry a traction aid in the trunk, such as sand, gravel, or cat litter.

6. Lighten up your key chain

Does your car key share a chain with a dozen or more other keys? That’s a pretty heavy load hanging off the car key when it’s in the ignition.The weight, combined with bouncing while you drive, can wear out the tumblers inside the ignition and eventually lead to ignition switch failure.To add years of service to your ignition switch, purchase a lightweight key chain that allows you to separate your ignition key from the others. Drive with only the ignition key in your ignition. If your ignition key “sticks” when you try to turn on the car, it’s a warning that your ignition switch is about to fail. Replace it before you get stranded.

7. Choose a good car insurer

Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, disaster inevitably strikes — typically in the form of an accident. Make sure that your car will be repaired to the best possible standard by finding an insurer that will pay for parts from the original manufacturer and guarantee the repairs it authorizes.

8. Keep an auto log

Keep a pad and pencil in the glove compartment and use them to record your gas fill-ups and mileage. If you notice that your gas mileage worsens, mention it to your service man. It may be an early warning sign that something is wrong with your car.

9. Preserve your car during long-term storage

If you are not going to use your car for more than a month, store it properly to prevent unnecessary damage and repairs upon your return.

Fill the gas tank to help prevent condensation from accumulating in the gas tank. Add a fuel stabilizer and drive the car around a bit to distribute the additive to engine parts.
Wash and wax the car thoroughly to protect the finish.
Place a vapor barrier on your garage floor. A 4-mil polyethylene drop cloth will do.
Disengage the parking brake to help avoid brake corrosion.
Put the car on jack stands to take the weight of the vehicle off the wheels and tires.
Disconnect and remove the battery to keep it from draining. Place the battery on a trickletype charger. Or periodically drain the battery, using a small light bulb, and then recharge it with a low-volt charger.
Plug the tailpipe with a rag to prevent moist air from infiltrating into it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Car Care Basics That Anyone Can Do

Contrary to the popular belief, not all car care tasks take a lot of time and require a lot of car skills. As a matter of fact, basic car carecan be done by just about anyone, even those with very minimal knowledge of mechanics.

For example, regular washings are a huge part of basic car care. By keeping the outside of your car clean, you are not only keeping your car shiny and looking like new, you are keeping your paint from getting scratched. This is because the debris that can accumulate on the outside of a car over time can act as an abrasive, rubbing off the protective clear coat (if your car has one) and digging into your paint. To be sure, car care does not get much easier than taking your vehicle through a car wash!

One of the other easier components to car care involves regularly checking your oil levels. Believe it or not, you are actually supposed to do this every time you fill up your gas tank. Many people do not do this or fail to do it, and by the time they take their vehicles to a professional to have their oil changed, the engine of the car has been damaged already by the lack of oil that was available. Depending on how frequently you fill up your gas tank, you might not really need to check it each time, but you should definitely do it at least once a month as part of your car care routine.

Speaking of routine car care, when is the last time you changed your windshield washer blades? This should be done at least once a year, and it takes less than five minutes to do. Moreover, changing your windshield wiper blades is one of the most affordable and easiest components to car care. Over time, particularly in the cold winter months, the rubber on the blades can get hard and it will soon crack, scratching the glass of your windshield. Before this happens and you have to get your glass repaired, change them out.

Filling up your reservoir with windshield washer fluid is another easy car care basic. All you have to do is buy the fluid and dump it into the right tank. You do not want to fill it up with water, as when the weather gets cold the water can freeze and expand, bursting the plastic reservoir.

By: Phoenix Delray